We have just begun to unravel the mystery of the medicine wheels, some of which were built at the time the pyramids were being constructed along the Nile River. There are some similarities between the medicine wheels in Western Canada and the megalithic stone rings of Stonehenge which were built at the time the pyramids were being constructed along the Nile River in Egypt. There are some similarities between the medicine wheels in Western Canada and the megalithic stone rings of Stonehenge which were built about 4000 years ago. Such similarities imply to some that there may have been contact between North America and Europe at a far earlier date than the Viking Voyages to Greenland and Newfoundland. Giant stone circles recently found in Siberia suggest a possible inter-continental connection across the Bering Strait land bridge after the last Ice Age.
If you would like to learn more about medicine wheels, please try the following pages:
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